Paksi SE
Profile, Results, Fixtures, 2025 Stats & Scorers

Paksi SE Results & Fixtures

19 OctDebrecen - Paksi SE NB I
26 OctPaksi SE - Kecskemeti TE NB I
02 NovPaksi SE - Diosgyori VTK NB I
09 NovUjpest FC - Paksi SE NB I
23 NovPaksi SE - Zalaegerszegi TE NB I
30 NovNyiregyhaza Spartacus - Paksi SE NB I
04 DecMTK - Paksi SE NB I
07 DecPaksi SE - MTK NB I
01 FebPaksi SE - Gyori ETO NB I
08 MarDiosgyori VTK - Paksi SE NB I
29 MarZalaegerszegi TE - Paksi SE NB I
05 AprPaksi SE - Nyiregyhaza Spartacus NB I
19 AprPaksi SE - Puskas Akademia FC NB I
26 AprGyori ETO - Paksi SE NB I
03 MayVideoton - Paksi SE NB I
17 MayDebrecen - Paksi SE NB I
24 MayPaksi SE - Kecskemeti TE NB I

Paksi SE Statistics

League Position3
Games won101
Games drawn022
Games lost101
Clean sheets325
Goals scored per game598475
Goals conceded per game516258
Time of first goal scored79m66m70m
Time of first goal conceded64m57m59m

Paksi SE: Yellow & Red Cards

1B. Lenzsér40
2Z. Haraszti10
3K. Papp10
4B. Daru10

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Club: Paksi SE

Paksi SE
Hungary Paks, Hungary